Monday, April 03, 2006


anne says i am boring her with my new job because i can't blog anymore during the day. this is true. i suspect i'm boring anyway, since all i can think about anymore is cell phones.

today at work there were a lot of jerks. it's hard for me to not take it personally at this point; mainly because i really feel inept and am constantly berating myself for not knowing all the things i need to know. this guy got all pissed at me and stormed out while i was working on his upgrade because he "didn't have two or three hours" to wait for me to finish. it's true it was taking a while, but it's also true that he came in half and hour before close, when there was a line of people waiting to be helped and i had a very fussy computer. i had a feeling that it wasn't my fault things weren't moving as quickly as i wanted, and after he left and it took me five minutes to do the same thing with another customer i realized i was right. it might not have all been the computer's fault, but it also wasn't all mine. i also realized that i need to calm down a bit and that i'm not going to know it all until i learn it. that's taking some time, but i cant rush it by the force of my furrowed brow. dude, if i could, i would! i would have last week. the thing is, it's just work, it's a way for me to get from point A to point B, it's a place where i do a job i'm not always sure of loving but with people that i really like, and if i don't know it all and i make some mistakes the world isn't going to fall apart. if i mess up your activation, you aren't going to get ebola and die. millions of kittens aren't going to perish if i forget the price of text messages. in short, everything is going to be okay.

this is what happens when you hire a neurotic. just so you know.

i feel ridiculously boring even talking about this. who wants to hear about my crappy job? it's a job. all jobs are inherently boring, but i like my co-workers, more and more every day, and when i get something right and someone is nice to me then i feel like a rock star. yes there was mr. i'm-in-a-rushy-rush, but there was also miss you-have-been-so-helpful-thank-you and mr. dude!-give-me-a-high-five.* why let mr. fussy-pants ruin that? i can't think of any good reason, either.

um, i had a beer and no dinner yet. i'm going to go now before i start slurring my speech and telling you how much i love you. which, of course, i do.

*who was also ridiculously cute. if he had been in the store five minutes more i would have eaten him alive.

1 comment:

Anne said...

look, I'm such a baby, you mentioned me in your blog! My job is just about as boring as yours, but no cute guys EVER come in! and most of my tenants are habitually (and pharmaceutically) grumpy!