but come on, this photo of maggie is too cute to keep to myself. mom knit the baby booties! also, maggie loves to be swaddled and doesn't have much time for free use of her arms or legs. you will also notice that she's wearing an awful lot of pink, which is funny because before she was born my sister and brother-in-law were anti-pink. we bought maggie a lot of blue and black clothes, lots of yellows and greens and neutral colors. she still has more of those than pink clothes, but after they met her they decided pink was a-okay. just look at her and tell me she isn't the cutest thing you've seen all day.

in this picture you can see her cute chin. this was taken her first day home, less than 24 hours old. she was already adorable. today was her first doctor's appointment outside the womb, and she gained 2 oz since birth! most babies don't gain weight, which means that she is obviously the most advanced baby
ever. or just really hungry. my sister says all she really does is eat and sleep right now. she's taken to calling her "slug."
today's interview was really great. which makes me all sorts of conflicted. i won't hear back from them until the middle of next week, though. i'm supposed to start the other job on monday, which would be okay, but if i get offered the other job i think i'd rather take that. it's true it's office-y, which sort of sucks, but the office was comfortable and everyone looked happy, and i'd get to see what people with computer-drafting degrees actually do. the lady i talked to today was fantastic. i don't know. to ease my furrowed brow i had a martini when i got home. yay martini!

if babies aren't your thing, though, here is the cat being ridiculously cute in my lap while i enjoy my martini. kittens make martinis better, if you can believe that.
cutie patootie.
TAKE the engineering job. Those kinda people rock.
Oh-My-Gosh, Maggie is so totally adorable. (Don't you think she looks like you? I think so!)
I've worked in the A&E (architectural/engineering) field for going on 26 years. Yes, almost as old a YOU ARE. (cringe). They tend to be nerds, which might not matter much to you, since you seem to get a kick out of that type. And I don't mean to say that's bad -- many of the nerds are pretty harmless and even cute. Plus they're very smart. Depending on how large the company is, they also tend to not have a lot of business acumen (is that the right word? In other words they tend to be idiots when it comes to running a business). If they've been around for a while and/or are pretty good-sized, perhaps they've got that business thing down OK. Either that, or they've been lucky. (Or have been greasing palms somewhere). If it's strictly architectural, they tend to do better. Mechanical/Electrical, not so much. I work for a civil/structural engineering firm (in business for over 50 years) and our receptionist has been there for 16 years. She has a LOT OF POWER. In many ways she runs that place. My experience with engineers is that they don't have sunny personalities; they wait until the last minute to absolutely HAVE TO HAVE THIS TAKEN CARE OF; and there's not a lot of respect toward folks who are not engineers. Like those of us who do marketing. Or receptionists... But our receptionist just doesn't take shit off of no one, and has no problem putting them into their well-deserved places. She balances that with also being competent plus a lot of fun. I sense that it would be beneficial to have a good relationship with the company president, try to get him wrapped around your little finger, and then, my dear, you'd be able to write and sing your own tune.
You might like it. Certainly not as much "pretense" as the "fashion industry" -- just need to get familiar with the clients' voices. -tonya
p.s. I will trade your cat for mine. Even swap.
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